A Reputation Built Since 1983

We are dedicated to the complete and total satisfaction of our customers. Our goal will be 100% satisfaction, 100% of the time. Our standards will not be set by our competition, but our organization will set the standards by which our competition will be measured.

In every step of the process, from auto body repair to the paint process, there’s one thing that always comes first here, and that’s quality repair every time. Our image will at all times be one of professionalism, marked with fast and accurate service. Our customers are treated with honesty and with integrity. Our company will be a source of solutions to our customers.

Our goal is to be the most professional, the best looking, the best trained, to give the best service, be the most courteous, the most trusted, the most referred, and the most prosperous.

Meet The Owner

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Robert LaGrotta and I’m the owner and founder of Ventura Collision Center (VCC) located in Ventura.

I opened the doors to VCC with an insurance background that fed my knowledge and understanding of claims process and how to make it seamless for our customers. I established the business and developed the business into a respected auto body repair facility with the community and the insurance industry. Ventura Collision Center is fully licensed, insured, equipped and certified.

We have operated under the same family ownership since the beginning. Our motto is, “there is no excuse for poor quality.” At Ventura Collision Center , feel safe knowing that here, you are family!


Our Expert Technicians

Our technicians have Collision Industry Training (I-Car). This means that on an ongoing basis, our technicians continue to get the highest level of training in the auto collision repair industry.

We are the preferred repair shop for Ford of Ventura.

Our goal is to completely satisfy our customers’ needs with fast service and excellent fit and finish.

Some Statistics About Us


Since 1983


OEM and ICar


Our Goal

